Scroll down to take an all access tour of Papazian Memorial Diamond. |
Gerald Papazian Memorial Diamond is utilized by several youth, and adult baseball leagues. It sits nestled inside of Handy Park, and is located at 26650 Capitol Ave, in Redford. Handy Park is formerly known as Capitol Park. Scroll down to take an all access tour of Papazian Memorial Diamond. The photographs were taken during the Summer, and do not reflect the current field conditions for mid-February.
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Papazian Memorial Diamond sits nestled inside of Handy Park, and is located at 26650 Capitol Ave, in Redford. |
Papazian Memorial Diamond is utilized by several youth, and adult baseball leagues. |
Take a look inside the dugout at Papazian Memorial Diamond. The dugouts are furnished with a bench, and trash cans. |
Centerfield is 351 feet away from home plate. |
Left Field |
Right Field |
The scoreboard at Papazian Memorial Diamond isn't fully operational. It currently serves as a home for several birds. |
Click on the link below for information about upcoming events at Handy Park, in Redford. |
For information about upcoming events at Handy Park click on
www.redfordtwp.comLeave a comment! Email the Mitten State Sports Report at mittenstatesportsreport@rocketmail.com
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